The Atomos Connect family of converters are back with their trademark rock-solid durability
There are 13 models in the line-up for Broadcast and ProAV integrators, with 6 color coded families to make finding the right product for the right solution easy.
Lockable HDMI
Connect HDMI devices with confidence that they will remain securely fixed. A provided HDMi locking plate screws into the converter, allowing HDMI cables of different sizes to be secured with a cable tie.
Lockable DC Power
Just like the SDI and HDMI connections, DC power connection is made secure with a screw thread sleeve that locks the power connection in place.
Removable Mounting Ears
Each converter comes in a slimline metal housing with removable mounting ears, allowing for flexible mounting options for Broadcast and ProAV applications.
Dual AC/USB Power
Apart from mains power, there are options to power the converters via USB, providing the ability to run for hours from simple cellphone power banks or TV USB sockets.
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