Kifutó modell.

Manfrotto Essential UV Filter 67mm (MFESSUV-67)

Article No.: 
Manfrotto Essential UV Filter 67mm (MFESSUV-67)
Kifutó modell.
Manfrotto Essential UV Filter 67mm (MFESSUV-67)
Article No.: 


 The Essential UV filter is the time-honoured, multi-functional filter; it blocks UV light from entering the lens and therefore reducing blurring, haziness and blue casting. At the same time, it is a very useful tool to add protection to the lens against dust, moisture, scratches, and can permanently remain on the lens. The Manfrotto Essential UV Filter 67 mm is water repellent, includes 8 layers of coating which provide an anti-reflective surface and allows 99% light transmission.


  • Water Repellent
  • 99% light transmission
  • Reduces blur, opacity and reflections
  • Reusable case included
  • Made in Japan


7 394 HUF+TAX=9 390 HUF
Bonus point : 94 HUF
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